Pikku-Maatu is an illustrated series about different things which all remind a nesting doll.
This illustrated series has 12 different jolly and colorful pieces. This illustrated series is produced digitally using Adobe Illustrator CC.
This illustrated series has 12 different jolly and colorful pieces. This illustrated series is produced digitally using Adobe Illustrator CC.
This projects was part of my thesis, which was made in 2018.

I have always been in love in a matryoshka/russian nesting dolls. And I immediatelny knew that I want to create some king of unique design for such a simple doll.
When I started this project, my head was kinda empty how I would like to make my design unique and at some point I started to think different items shapes...
And soon my sketchbook was full on these weird nesting dolls!

After sketching multible ideas I started finding reference pictures, styles I would love to see in my Illustrations and finding right textures to make some depth and make my illustrations to look interesting. I think testing and finding the right style tooked most of the time making all the pieces.
Middle of the project, I was stucked with these illustrations, feeling that the design wasn't enough interesting and all my ideas wouldn't fit with the simple style. After I realised that my illustrations character didn't look nesting doll anymore, soon I knew that I need to change the face style for these illustrations!
All was coming smoothly together and soon I had my final 12 illustarions finished!

These illustrations can be used in various print products, such as postcards, posters and sticker! These illustations are made to work together depending what pieces you want to use, example as a interiour decoration.